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Monday, 19 September 2022

How retail designs can catapult your brand

 How to utilise retail designs to improve your brand

Running your own business in today's climate is hard work, but can equally be incredibly rewarding if you get the balance right. To make your brand a success you need to get it in front of people and develop a buzz, the best way to do this is to have a consistent message across your online branding and retail designs here are a few top tips on how to achieve this:

Retail Designs

Know your brand

Nobody knows your brand better than you. After all you have created your brand so whether you have an online business or a bricks-and-mortar store you are likely to have a vision for what you want and where you see the brand heading in the future. What are your aims for your brand? Who are your target audience?

By having a clear vision for your brand you can fine-tune your work and really target the right people to get them through the door or onto your site

Design is Key

By narrowing down your brand and really having a clear vision you can focus in on the design aspect. If your product is an online only vision maybe it's time to look into getting more visibility offline? There are many options such as pop-up markets, car boots or if you're doing really well then hiring a retail space for your brand. By employing a top retail store design agency you can hit the ground running and make sure that every person who walks through the door is drawn to your products and brand.


Once you're all set up with the design and branding side of your business it's time to get your name out there. Make sure you have full and complete social media profiles for your brand with consistent handles. Share content regularly using local hashtags to draw in your audience. Think about merchandise and ways to get your name out there, for example I have personalised merchandise with my blog name on for when I'm out and about in Sheffield. This works for me as my audience is people in Sheffield, or visiting Sheffield so hopefully they see my merch and visit the site to learn more

By creating a consistent social marketing plan you can develop an audience of people that will be interested in what you post, and also increase intrigue for your offline space too. Early marketing plans for store space could be a small freebie for the first 10 customers through the door, or money off offers. Something to spark an interest in visiting.


The most important aspect to starting any self employed business is consistency, you need to back yourself 100%. If you half attempt to get the business off the ground it won't work. You need to work consistently every day to get your business started and growing. Whether that's utilising retail designs, getting your name out into the local area or building your online presence. Set yourself short term and long term goals and check in regularly to make sure you're on track

What business would you like to launch?


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