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Tuesday, 12 September 2023

101 in 1001 - 600 day update

 600 Day Goal Update

Another 100 days down on my 101 in 1001 goals list and we're starting to get to the last year of this 1001 day challenge which makes the goals harder as I've normally done a lot of the easier goals! So let's see where I'm up to and what I've ticked off in the last 100 days

My Full 101 in 1001 list can be found here and then we have the updates so you can see just where my progress has come from:
600 day update



[23] Try all the lush bath bombs - As of right now I've currently tried all of the bath bombs available from Lush. There's been some really amazing collaborations lately from Mario to Barbie so it's been really fun. I'm sure they'll bring out a few more fun ones over Halloween and Christmas coming up

[64] Buy garden furniture to make it a nice place for the summer - I am loving my garden now. It's all fenced off and we recently painted the patio and got all of our lovely solar lights up. Teamed with a lovely table and loungers I'm looking forward to next summer and having a lovely garden

[68] Meal Plan Regularly - I'm confident on putting this as complete now! We've consistently meal planned all year and find it so much easier now Max is at nursery for us all to stay in a routine


[1] Take a picture of Max every week - Continuing with this as always. I do a picture a week and try and catch videos regularly to put together monthly montages, I love seeing my boy growing up

[3] Celebrate our wedding anniversary - We marked our Cotton anniversary - we're now 2 years in and still super happy

[4] Date night once a month - We managed a few cute date days in the last 100 days including a breakfast date, a day at the board game cafe, playing darts and drinking cocktails and of course seeing Barbie

[7] Celebrate Max's Birthday (1/2) - Hurtling towards that second birthday I need to get my thinking cap on with how to celebrate

[8] See grandparents and great grandparents every week - Max had so much fun over the summer holidays spending lots of time with his grandparents

[9] Tell Connor I love him everyday - Still easy, still done more than once every day!

[10] Celebrate all Max's Milestones - Still out here celebrating Max's milestones. It's lovely seeing him grow and develop. His favourite trick currently is doing all of his animal noises

[11] 10k Instagram followers - Around 8200 now so a jump of 400 in the last 100 days

[12] 10k Twitter followers - Down to 7500 now - Twitters such a weird place

[13] 100k Audience on Pinterest - Maintained at the 50k mark in the last 100 days

[14] 10k blog views a month - Typically between 4k - 5k at the moment

[15] 10 new blog posts a month - Very up and down but I'd say a consistent 5 is about right

[16] Get Blog DA to 30 - This has jumped to 29 which is fab! It shows the SEO and going back over old posts and promoting is totally working

[21] Watch every Disney movie - Kinda fell off this one but Max has started loving watching movies so will need to get back into it

[25] Read a new book a month - Another 4 read this time so we're up to 15/33 read - just 6 behind where I aimed to be so will need to read fast

[26] Shop a store a month at Meadowhall - This is still quite fun, keeping up with it

[29] Complete two point hospital to 100% - Not revisited yet, I know I'm like 2 levels off 100% but man the levels left are so hard

[38] Make £3k selling clutter on ebay / Vinted - I've gone past the £2k mark! So pretty much right on track. 

[39] Save £5 for each completed item on the list - I definitely used some of this money haha! But I've got a mental note of what I should have in this account and will definitely top it back up

[46] Regular yearly check ups (Doctors / Dentist / Opticians) - Year 1 Complete. Year 2 I've done Doctors & Dentist just need to schedule in an Opticians visit

[52] Make commission every month in a year - I've had a couple of months without commission so we're kind of back at zero but I'm going to keep going and see if I manage it

[67] Staircase on the house to own 100% - I've started the process for this now it's currently with solicitors so hopefully I can see an end in sight

[74] Go out with family / friends once a month - Keep meaning to go out with friends more, I see them often with Max but I need to schedule more baby free time

[79] Buy 5 just because presents - On 2/5 on this one

[80] Say Yes more often - Still practicing as much as possible

[83] Have our first family holiday abroad as a 3 - Eeeek so excited we've got this one booked in so I'm looking forward to reporting back

[87] Complete a map square weekly - I lost my map! But I'm still walking and making plans just slightly differently

[88] Visit New UK Towns / Cities (2/5) - Blackpool and Liverpool done

[91] Start driving again - I need to work on this more but I have driven again just need the confidence

[92] Keep up using a daily diary - My daily diary has changed from paper to electronic and is now a shared calender / diary with Connor. It's really helped us stay organised

[94] Do something that scared me once a year - 2/3 completed with weaning Max and Max starting nursery

[97] Make 20 things I've seen on Pinterest - 19 out of 20 on this one! Hopefully be complete very soon 

[100] Do 100 day check ins on 101 goals - 6 down! I'm sometimes a little late but I always get there

So 600 days and the progress is as follows:
32/101 completed
33/101 part completed
We've gone up ever so slightly to 65/100 now. It's tricky as a lot of goals won't complete until the very end but I'm going to keep pushing and see where we can get to. I'll aim to get up to 70 out of 100 in the next run

Which goal should I focus on next?